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Friday, 12 August 2011

The Greatest Gift

What is the greatest gift to the human race? You may be wondering; more so, as there are innumerable gifts in the world. I suppose, you are thinking of materialistic gifts. Though they are all gifts, none can be classified as the greatest, because their importance depends on an individual. If the greatest gift to humans is not materialistic, what then is it? You may be asking. Choice is the greatest gift that God our Creator, has given to you, me and to all humanity. It is the gift or potential that Almighty God—the Creator of everything, gracefully and generously given to all of us, irrespective of race, religion, social class, and philosophical or ideological inclination. 

We use this endowment innumerable number of times daily, without realising it. In fact, it is ours for keeping from our birth to our death. Very regrettably, instead of using this potential positively, quite often, we misuse it; consequently, we pay the price—sometimes very dearly.

From our birth, God has given us the power to choose. We have the power to choose in all spheres of our daily life. In the morning, we choose either to get up from bed, or to remain lying down; when we are hungry, we choose either to eat, or to stay with hunger—we choose what to eat, when to eat, and even the quantity to be eaten.

We also have the power to choose our vocation, where to work, and quite often, how to do our job. We choose our profession based on our academic background or our training, and that depends entirely on us. We choose where to work, by applying for an employment in a company of our choice. At work, we also choose how we shoulder our entrusted responsibilities. 

Our ability to succeed in life is dependent on this great gift, because we either choose to succeed, or to fail. While everybody dreams or aspire to succeed, most of the time, some people unknowingly choose to fail. They choose to fail by doing one or some of the followings:
      ¨ Lack of dreams and aspirations.
      ¨ Look for excuses for not advancing in life.
      ¨ Directly or indirectly hurt somebody or group of people.
      ¨ Refuse to realise the importance of being their brothers’ keeper.
      ¨ Revolt against an authority—societal or celestial authority.
      ¨ Form the habit of procrastinating.
      ¨ Ignore the importance of self-discipline.
      ¨ Are imprudent.
      ¨ Lack of understanding.
      ¨ Lack an ability to be communicate effectively.
      ¨ Refuse to recognise the necessity to be forgiving.
      - Ignore the importance of having an intimate relationship with their Creator,    who is the creator and giver of success. 

With the just-listed, we are inevitably exposed to undesirable incidences. When they occur, we blame everything, and everybody except ourselves. Many people even blame God for all their misfortunes. They fail to realise that God, whose love for us is immeasurable, can not hurt us. Misfortunes occur to us either because of the direct or indirect misuse of our God-given power—The Power to Choose. Cassius understood that both our success and failure depend on us when he said to Brutus in William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, “Men at some time are masters of their fates; the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings”. In fact, Cassius understated this fact; men are always the masters of their fates. Here, the key word is always.

How I can be the master of my fate or destiny, you may wonder. The answer is very simple—simpler than you can ever imagine. William James, the great American psychologist and philosopher gave the answer when he said, «Sow an action and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny». In other words, your actions give birth to your habits, your habits bring about your character, and your destiny is the offspring of your character. These unarguably spring from the word ‘Choice’

You may be claiming to have a physical handicap, believing that to be your obstacle to success. That is a false belief, because regardless of your handicap, you can still achieve your aspirations. The disadvantage of your claim is that, the more you cling to it, the more you are condemned to fail.

There is absolutely no obstacle to the achievement of success. The only obstacles are the ones that you impose on yourself. I suppose that you have heard of many physically handicapped people who have chosen to attain greatness. If you have not, think of Stevie Wonder and the late Ray Charles, who are blind, yet they are among the world’s most respected and successful musicians. Colin Dexter, in spite of his deafness, is still an outstanding Writer whose books are bestsellers, and some of them have been turned into wonderful films. The list is limitless. By sticking to your negative claims, you are choosing to fail.

On reading this, I know, you will definitely agree with me that, we make a choice every minute of our lives. Even when you are not making one, you are actually making it. Most unfortunately, many people do not understand the importance of this great gift. The sooner its importance is realised, and the gift used positively, the more meaningful our lives will become. As our lives become more meaningful, we become happier and more successful.

At this point, you may be asking how your gift could be exploited positively to your advantage. Regrettably, I do not have a definite answer for you, because it all depends on the particular situation that surrounds you. As situations differ, so are your possibilities for applying your given power or potential. However, what is very certain is that, whatever your decision, and in whichever situation, a decision that directly or indirectly affects anybody negatively, will certainly, sooner or later, bring about the opposite of your desired outcome. The reverse is also very true. Furthermore, with good decisions or choices, you are certain to have peace of mind, and joy.

It is worth underlining here that, there are some conditions or situations that could tremendously affect your ability to make a good choice. Some of such situations are: when you are under fear; under the influence of any intoxicating element such as alcohol, drugs (both soft and hard); when there is any sign of doubt; because of emotion, or sentiment, to mention but a few.  
Quite often, certain conditions impede one from taking a good decision. In such a case, what should one do, you may ask? Your question is quite legitimate, for I know that it could make you to be confused, desperate, and not knowing exactly what to do. The only advice that I can give is to pray and ask God for wisdom, and guidance. Pray to Him, and believe that He will answer your prayers, and He will definitely do so, for He is a very loving and merciful, and generous Father. He grants all requests presented to him in faith; more so, when we have an intimate relationship with Him. 

Sometimes, people tend to think that prayers have to be done only by kneeling down, or in the church.
This is not true. While there is nothing wrong in doing those, in fact, they are even very important as they illustrate humility and dedication to God; a prayer could be offered by merely talking to him while walking or driving, taking bath, or even while at work. After all, prayer, in its simplest term, means communicating with God.  

Additionally, it is worth pointing out that, all our heart’s desires are our prayers. Hence, we can present our request to God anywhere, and at anytime—God is omnipresent and he is always listening to us.
As it is often said, “You can take a Camel to the stream, but you can not force her to drink from it”, that also applies here. For even if this is written as long as an encyclopaedia, I can never force you to take the content of this piece seriously; thereby, applying it in your daily life, so that your life would be more meaningful; consequently, realising your dreams and aspirations. It is very important to remember that, irrespective of what you are thinking now, by refusing to heed to the advice given here, you are actually using your greatest gift—the Power to Choose.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

How to Successfully Navigate the Labyrinth of Office Politics to Realise Your Career Aspirations

To many, politics is synonymous to corruption, egoism, hypocrisy, and all the negative human attributes; thus, they try to abstain from it. The multi-billion Euro question that may be asked is; can we really do without politics? I do not think we can, because we are inherently political animals, therefore we directly, or indirectly participate in it. Quite often, when we seem to be passive, we are actually politicking.   
All sectors of human endeavour with more than one person, such as in the public and private sectors, military, local and International NGOs and regrettably, many religious organisations are political entities—even in a family, we play politics. Thus, you cannot live without political influence and participation; more so, at your place of work, where you spend most of your time daily with other people, and whose effect is the determinant to your professional advancement. 
Work-place politics is the most ignored, yet a major factor to professional success. Innumerable books have been written, seminars organised, audios, videos, and DVDs produced about many areas of success, yet very few are in the market about this subject; perhaps, it’s because very few people are interested in the field.  
In some organisations, power play is obvious, while it is disguised in others, and your ability to thrive in office politics is not only directly related to your understanding of the game, but also how you play it.  
What is Office Politics?
Most people define office politics as the means of manipulating situations, people, and using power and people to secure their desired position, gain from the situation, or even increase their power, image, and status within an organisation, to the detriment of others. This definition implies shrewdness, dishonesty, injustice, and all the negative human characteristics. However, this game should not necessarily be seen or played as this definition portrays, but should be seen as a means of persuading people to co-operate with you in order to use the limited available resources to realise a set goal for the corporate interest.  
On writing this, I quite understand that we humans are intrinsically self-centred—characteristics that impel many to strive to attain their goals to the detriment of others. This article will show that we can always achieve our goals without necessarily crushing others on our path. 
You may be wondering the reason this article has this title. It is because Office politics is as complicated as maze. For you to master it, you don’t only have to be interested in it, but you also have to be committed to mastering it. Furthermore, both the visible and the invisible rules, and the level of the playing grounds differ from one office to another, because no two offices are the same. Each organisation consist of individuals from different backgrounds, with different expectations, goals, motivations, and different approach to the achievement of their dreams, thus, the combination of all these elements create the difference in the dynamics of the game. 

Why is Office Politics Necessary?
Humans were created not to live in solitude, but in relationship with one another, and with God—the reason that we are happier when we’re in other’s company, or when we’re in a community. With the limited resources available to us, and our egocentric nature, we feel compelled to consciously or unconsciously look for means of influencing anybody or group of persons that could be an obstacle to the realisation of our goal, or that could enhance the chance of achieving it; hence the application of politics. As this is done in a workplace, it is labelled “Office politics”. 
We apply politics whenever we want an action to be taken, and even when we don’t want something done; for example, when we want a member of our family to shoulder a particular responsibility, like moulding the lawn or shopping. One of the examples in a corporate setting is when the management is confronted by an opportunity course—when the budget of a department is to be accepted instead of another one, due to insufficient resources. Another example is that when we want a particular employee to be assigned to our section instead of being sent to another.  
The strategy we apply to achieve any of those objectives would be politicking disguised as lobbying, or persuasion. Our ability to succeed in attaining our goal will depend on either the application of our knowledge of office politics, or our rival’s ignorance of the game.  
Understanding Office Politics
Our knowledge of office politics involves understanding the environment, the players, and the weapons necessary for the game. The environment is the organisation; the players are your colleagues: your superiors, peers, and your junior colleagues. The weapons here are your communication skill, and your personality.  
The vision, goals, and the culture of your organisation are the elements that you shouldn’t take for granted. You don’t only need to know them, but you also have to understand your organisation’s approach, and strategies applied to attaining its goals, and visions. You have to realise that you’re a piece of the organisation’s vision and goals realisation’s puzzle; thus, the necessity of playing your part constructively, if you want to achieve your career’s dream. 
Knowing your colleagues begins with your knowledge of human nature and their predicaments. This understanding will enable you to reason, and think from their perspective. It will allow you to perceive your colleagues’ feelings, sentiments, attitude, as well as their emotions. This will enable you to trigger and unlock the strong room of their motivation. Your access to their source of motivation equips you with the knowledge of how to get their support and co-operation to achieve your goals. 
Your greatest weapon in office politics is your personality, and communication skill. People are generally attracted to understanding, respectful, compassionate, humble, and people who are always ready to render services to others. These will be buying you respect, appreciation, and at the same time a strong personality, whom people will always strive to be identified with, and this includes accepting your opinions and ideas.  
Your attractive personality would be crown with an excellent communication skill—your ability to listen to others, and then think, and present your ideas from their perspective. This will make your rivals not to feel humiliated, which are often the case, but believe that you understand, sympathise, and identify with their plight, and can help them to attain their goal, if they co-operate with you. 
Why you should be interested in office politics
Many people believe that knowledge is the yardstick for the attainment of success. This is rarely the case, because there are innumerable very knowledgeable individuals in the world; yet, only very few arrive at the top of their professional ladder. The main reason is that those successful ones have realised that only knowledge, or even being excellent in their profession isn’t enough for professional success. For you to lift up your head above all your colleagues in today’s competitive world (besides being excellent in your field), you surely need to know what others ignore, or be an expert in the area that others are mediocre—knowing your organisation very well, and also having the type of personality as stated in these pages. With excellence as your password, and the application of your knowledge of your organisation to your advantage, the realisation of your career ambition is certain. Without office politics, this isn’t possible.  
Furthermore, professional stress is one of the main predicaments facing workers today, irrespective of their field of endeavour. Many employers are laying more and more emphasis on higher productivity, but providing less resource. This puts pressure on almost all the employees of the organisation; consequently, the inexperienced bosses, and the ill-intentioned ones pass this stress to their subordinates. In addition, quite often, some organisations can even provoke stress to increase productivity. This is where your knowledge of office politics can be your ally, because with your knowledge of it, you will know how to handle your boss and your colleagues; thus, you will rarely be stressed; even when you are, you will know how to manage it effectively. 
Do you know that accumulated professional stress can cause physical and psychological illnesses such as anxiety, insomnia, severe stress, which could incite hypertension or hypotension, neck, or back pains, stomach upset, and hypochondria?  Sometimes, persistent worrying could also bring about sicknesses like gastro-intestinal palpitations, and muscular fatigue. Understanding office politics and knowing how and when to apply its implicit and the explicit rules will surely immunize you against most office stress provoking situations; consequently, you will never suffer from any of the above-indicated sicknesses and their derivatives.   
Your knowledge of office politics is rooted to your ability to analyse, and understand people and situations. This involves understanding people’s emotions, behaviours, and their sources of motivation, which are indispensable to having meaningful relationship with people, and getting them to co-operate with you, to bring about the realisation of your dreams and aspirations. This is the wisdom of the ages. Thanks to your expertise in office politics, you can acquire this ability.  
Playing office politics without crushing Anybody
It is very important to realise that any achievement that is to the detriment of anybody instead of bring happiness, will give birth to the feeling of insecurity, suspicion, and anxiety; sometimes guilt; consequently unhappiness.  
In office politics, the starting point is know and do the right things when entering a new Department or starting a new job. The wisest action is to take a low profile—observing, listening, and studying others’ words, actions, and reactions, for you to understand the power play of the department or establishment.  
With the understanding of your environment, the usual action would be the implicit declaration of your alliance. Quite often, most people lean on their immediate boss, Head of department, or identify with what seems to be the most powerful faction, for survival or career advancement. The disadvantages of this option are:
  • Generally, you have to be a zombie to be in those people good books, so that you could be recommended for promotion whenever there is a possibility.
  • No matter how careful or clever you may seem to be, you will definitely make enemies faster than you can ever imagine.
  • As nothing is permanent, should the situation change, you will inevitably face the repercussion of your previous choice.
  • You would be seen as lacking self-confidence, and personality—even those whose tune you dance to, will rarely trust and respect you.
  • Most of the time, the people you lean on are very undependable, because to them, egocentricity is the name of the game; therefore, in time of need, they will rarely be there for you, except if they will gain from defending you.
  • It is the factory of gossiping, and character assassination; thus, it often generates suspicion and tension.

The picture portrayed above is common in organisations where work-place politics is very flagrant, and the management of such organisations are dominated by mediocre. As these types of leaders cannot compete due to their incompetence, lack of self-confidence, and their feeling of insecurity, they resort to seeking alliances as a security measures, and also fragmenting the loyalty of the employees. The victims of this manipulative stratagem are often with the same personality as the plotters. An entity dominated by leaders as described here; rarely employ very competent people for fear of competition.  
Consortium of mediocre drives away the competence. Such organisations have a very high rate of personnel turn-over, because besides repelling the proficient individuals, those who choose to abstain from their game are sandwiched; consequently, they leave, seeking for a job with a convivial environment, where they can optimise the exploitation of their potential.     
On the other hand, organisations with competent leadership will always seek to employ very proficient employees, and they will always encourage competition both on the parallel and horizontal echelon. Unlike the previous type of organisation, there is a level playground for the flourishing of initiatives, and not only encouragement for creativity, but also rewarding it.  
In organisations where politics is obvious, people are divided into the naĂŻve, spectators, players, manipulators, and the experts. The naĂŻve are those who are unaware of what is going on, but only doing their job innocently. The spectators see what is happening, but decide to abstain from it. The players are the colleagues who are not only aware of the game, but are actively participating in one way or the other. Experts know what is at stake, the rules of the game, and are good at applying both the implicit and the explicit rules to get whatever they want. The manipulators are those who believe that they can get whatever they want, by any means, irrespective of who may get hurt on the process.  
With this knowledge, the next issue is how to handle different people such as your boss, superiors, peers and junior staff of your organisation. Many bosses see themselves not as a leader, but one that order, and push people around without any respect, and many of them expect their subordinates to worship them like a god; else, they descend their hammer on them. Good bosses see themselves as leaders who are there to plan, supervise, co-ordinate, and motivate their followers, to achieve the corporate goal. Leaders under this group could even sacrifice their personal resources for the interest of their section or department. Followers of a good leader are happy to take any order or instruction, even if that will imply foregoing their pleasure or time. In this case, meeting the set target seems natural. 
If you have a good boss, you need less energy and effort for the attainment of your goal, because he or she knows dedicated and efficient employees, and endeavours to award them accordingly. However, should you need a special attention; you could always seek his or her attention privately, to communicate your message. For your message to be received positively, it’s advisable to present it in a way that would seems to be benefiting to the section or department, or even the organisation. 
Conversely, should you have a difficult boss; first, try to understand the reason for the difficult behaviour. If he or she generally behaves reasonably, then the difficult behaviour could be due to stress. Nevertheless, if it’s a catalogue of hostile, abusive, and humiliating behaviour irrespective of the amount of stress in the office; then you’ll need more effort and energy to bring about a change. The first approach should be to meet him or her privately, when he or she seems to be less stressful, to express your feeling about his or her action or reaction. Be careful not to attack his or her person; else, he or she will become defensive, and your approach will be counterproductive; try to express your concern for the particular action or reaction. Nevertheless, should your repeated attempts to get your concern addressed are rebuffed, then you may have to seek counsel from the Trade union, a trusted mentor, or human resources professional, to evaluate your options, or for their intervention. If it’s a very serious case; perhaps, you can apply for a departmental transfer or even look for a job somewhere else. 
Furthermore, be aware that, quite often, some credit to your achievement might go to your boss. While some of them will attribute it to you, others will claim it. Nonetheless, whatever the case, your boss will realise how good you are, and will always want you besides him or her, because he or she can count on your competence.  
Your relationship with other superiors should be that of politeness and respect, because they might become your boss in the future. Never criticise your boss to anybody—not even to other superiors, because it might get to your boss. However, getting close to a superior could allow you to know what is going on behind closed doors; thereby, enabling you to act appropriately. Nonetheless, never use an interrogatory approach; else, he or she could be suspicious of your intention, and become less open. In addition, it’s better to avoid the expression of your political opinion or political affiliation at work, because you don’t know that of your superiors. Some superiors could be very cruel with those whose political opinion or affiliation is different from theirs. 
Be very cautious while dealing with your colleagues, because, first, some of them may be the mirror or transmitter of the management; thus, never criticise anybody in the office, or entertain such behaviour, or listen to gossips; otherwise, whatever you said might be amplified, and then directly or indirectly transmitted to the person. However, should you hear anything, just swallow it, and never be a messenger—transmitting it to anybody; not even your best friend, because it could rapidly spread like a wild fire. Should this happen, it would be very damaging to your veracity, and trust.  
It has to be pointed out that sometimes, some gossips could be very valuable. Those are professional ones, and doesn’t involve any form of character assassination. Example of a positive gossiping is the one that could enable you to learn about your organisation’s modification of political tide, or the modification of the unwritten rules of the game. Another example is the news of a possible merger or acquisition, or news of a possible vacancy in a more attractive post that might interest you. While these gossips might seem interesting, you have to ascertain the validity of the information. Again, you have to make sure that the provided information ends with you. 
It’s very important to recognise that some of your peers may secretly be having their eyes on the higher step of the ladder, and they wouldn’t mind stepping on anybody to get there. However, integrity, sense of responsibility, excellence, and assiduity should be your trademark. Never take any issue personal. Whenever there is a misunderstanding, always attack the issue, and not the person. Be aware that in your organisation, like in any other social sphere, sometimes, there are the bullies, the gossips, the busybodies, and of course, the honest and kind-hearted individuals. Irrespective of the situation or the person, let your greatest ammunition be your integrity, compassion, the serving spirit, understanding, and the ability to control your emotions. 
Your junior colleagues should be treated like your peers. Many people tend to ignore or under rate the importance of their junior colleagues. First, they are as important as any other person in the organisation. Second, sometimes, they can be your greatest ally. Third, your junior colleagues could render unimaginable services to you when you least expect it. Do you know that, usually, juniors staffs tend to be the most knowledgeable ones related to office politics? The reason is that quite often, when they are where issues are being discussed, their presence is being ignored; thus, they overhear the plans. 
Ultimate source of success
Many people believe that their professional success depends on their boss or superiors; consequently, they do lip service to them—some even worship them. This is ignorance, because your success depends on nobody, but on God, who is the Creator of everything. Don’t forget that your boss whom you depend on for your success depends on another person. If your boss cannot be sure of his or her success, how can he or she guarantee yours? 
If your success comes from God, why then should you not depend on Him, but on an individual or group of people who are surviving by the Grace of God? People can disappoint you, but God can never, because he is a faithful, loving, caring, and merciful Father. The list of His attributes is endless. He is willing to grant all your requests, if you put Him at the centre of all your daily undertakings. 
How you can depend on God, you may be wondering. The starting point is to realise that you can do nothing without him—that implies accepting His supremacy. Then you have to accept Jesus Christ, His son who came and died for your sins, resurrected on the third day, and later ascended to heaven, to sit at the right hand side of his Father to intercede for your sins as it’s stated in the Bible. After acknowledging this statement, all that you have to do is to invite Jesus Christ into you life as your Lord and Saviour, and ask Him to take control of all areas of your life: family, job, emotions, finance, health, etc. with this, you will surely see how your life will take a different dimension. This will start by the sensing of peace, joy, happiness, and sense of security, no matter the circumstance. 
Be assured that God loves you very much, in spite of who you think you are, but he loves you so much that He doesn’t want to leave you as you are, but wants to change you from the inside out. He’s interested in changing your character. 
If you accept what has just been pointed out, repeat this statement after me:  
    My heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I was born and brought up in sin, and I have sin against you (cite the sins), so I pray that you should  forgive me all my sins; also, grant me your grace to forgive all those who have offended me in any way, in Jesus. I acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and I invite Him into my life, and accept Him as my Lord and Saviour, who came and died for my sins. I humbly ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit, so that He’ll protect, guide, and lead me each day of my life in Jesus name. Amen! 
I am absolutely sure that if you sincerely repeat this many times with all your heart, and really believe in the power and authority of Jesus Christ, after awhile you’ll definitely sense the difference in your life. 
Conversely, if you don’t accept my proposition, I implore you that, when you retire to the solitude of your bedroom, to ponder about your situation. If you’re happy with your present circumstance, then you can ignore my suggestion; else, perhaps it will be better to heed to the advice advocated in these pages. If I may ask you, if you ignore my suggestion, what do you think your situation will be within the next three, five, or ten years? I doubt very much that there’ll be any improvement. It’s up to you!   
If you need more information about this issue, I suggest that you contact the pastor of your local church. I strongly believe that he will be very happy to help you. 
I pray that the Almighty God; the Lord of Hosts grants all your desires according to His faithfulness, and May His grace abide by you, and above all, May He reveal Himself to you. Amen!

Credit Crunch:Reason Behind it, and How to Live a Debt-Free Life

Credit crunch whose effects are like rain—falls on all roofs, is believed by economic and financial historians to be the worst economic crisis since the great depression which started in 1929, and continued through the early 1930s. This devastating crisis has prompted many to take their life; some have seen all their wealth disappeared within a twinkle of an eye; companies—both new and old have gone bankrupt; hundreds of thousands of employees have been rendered jobless; and many people could no longer acquire credit easily, especially in the developed countries. The worst still, is the experts’ inability to say for certain, the duration of the crisis—even if they do, how could they be trusted, if all their pronouncements so far have been baseless speculations.
The current world economic predicament that started in America in 2007 propagated easily throughout the four corners of the globe due to liberalisation, which makes borderless financial and economic transaction easier, and faster. The fathers of liberalisation never foresaw that misfortune such as this could spread beyond borders; if at all they did; precautionary measures were never put in place.
 Being too concerned with the crisis and on how long it will last may not only distract us from looking for a solution, but it might also render many people depressive. Thus, we have to concentrate our effort on how to live happily in spite of it, and for those that are almost strangled by debt, how they could extricate themselves from it. First, let us trace the ultimate cause of the crisis, which the Experts attribute to the collapse of the American Real Estate market. This is not the root cause, but the fruit of the ills of our society: falsehood, hypocrisy, pretention, corruption, egocentricity, etc. If the Experts disagree with me, I have some questions for them: why didn’t the actors in the market give an accurate evaluation of the market value? Why didn’t the buyers cut their coat according to their size? Does it mean that the related authorities were ignorant of the situation; if they were aware, why didn’t they intervene early, and decisively? On answering these questions, it would be exposed that the Experts’ are either ignorant or hypocritical of the real origin of the crisis.  The system of the developed world is rooted in debts. Our governments, service, and manufacturing sectors all directly or indirectly speak the same language, and share the same philosophy—they preach, encourage, and entice us to consume. The key word of all mass media is buy, buy, buy!  The daily and periodic newspapers, magazines, most of the television programs, are full of enticements to buy one thing or the other—even our e-mail boxes are flooded with junk mails whose objective is to sale. The policy or philosophy to consume is crown by the innumerable credit cards spreading, and more are coming out each day. The idea behind these cards is “Buy today, but pay tomorrow”. The implicit appeal here is, “Live in debts”. The situation is becoming very alarming. In the 1970s and 1980s when I grew-up, this was almost nonexistent, but now, credit cards are even given to students without income, and the jobless. The plot to drown the population in debts is so successful because marketing psychologists plays on human weaknesses—need for acceptance, significance, and security. We have these needs because of the absence of God in our lives; thus that emptiness seeks to be filled. Humans were created to worship and adore God; doing so draws us closer to God and that gives us joy, and happiness. Unfortunately, with our disobedience, we deprive ourselves from these life’s necessities that we suppose to possess. This creates the void, which most people try to fill with the need for “Acceptance—attached to appearance, and admiration; significance: depicted by attaching much importance to performance, and accomplishment; security—seeks to be adored, status, and recognition. The problem with the just-mentioned three illusionary hiding factors is that they are time bound. In other words, the achievement of any or all of them is transitory. However, it has to be pointed out that, the intensity of the urge for the three above-mentioned ingredients is dependent on the individual’s childhood experience. Most of those that were brought up in a loving, caring and God centred family, are very likely to have lesser urge for acceptance, significance, and security, because as a child, he or she was shown love, acceptance, and they were made to realise how valuable they are before God, and that He created them in His image. As the person grow-up developing the values implanted into his or her mind by the parents, the need for those three elements are completely replaced by the Spirit of God in them, who makes them to realise whom they are, is through God’s grace, love, mercy, and faithfulness, and His presence in their life, and not by any feeling, desires, or emotions. Nevertheless, in spite of your childhood experience or your present situation or condition, if you make God the centre of everything you do, or of your possessions, he will prosper you, thereby giving you joy and happiness, for He is ready to accept you unconditionally. On the other hand, if you refuse to allow God to control your life, you’re very likely to strive to acquire all that you can, by any means, to fill the emptiness in you, and the obtained objects, quite often, become your gods. The bad news is that there is no satisfaction in human desire, because our wants are limitless. Thus, your desires multiply as they’re being met. Boundless wants and the innate need to fill the absence of God in one’s life impel people to be easily influenced by the marketing psychological plots to allure them to continuously swim in debts, whatever the price, because they use the goods or services purchased by those debts for a fruitless attempt to satisfy the emptiness in them. Regrettably, without the fear and knowledge of God, they fail to realise that, none of their wants can ever replace Him in their lives.Our government, services and the industrial sectors, and the society as a whole encourage the worship of materialism. They do this by characterising, describing, or valuing people based on their material possessions, and not by their God-given value. God created each of us with an unimaginable value, and with priceless significance. How to live a debt-free life 
How can we live a debt-free life? First if you’re already engulfed by this generally encouraged evil, you have to re-assess your needs and wants. As most of your wants are not necessities, it’s advisable to forego them, even those that you’re already enjoying. You’ll cut off almost all the unnecessary expenses, thereby using the cut-off money to settle some of the debts. I quite understand that this is easier said than done. Hence, you’ll need a strong will and a burning desire to be debt-free, to take this action, more so, if you’ve been used to those products, or services. So you have to choose either living in misery due to debts, or happiness. Do not forget that a highly indebted individual is never happy, because he or she’s enslaved by debts.
If you’re so much in love with materialism; thus, find it difficult to forego many of your wants, you’ve to realise that we came to this world with nothing, and will leave with nothing. On reflecting on this fact, I have a question for you. Do you prefer to swim in debts for things that are temporary, instead of having a serenity, joy and happiness? However, God the Creator and Controller of everything is the ultimate solution to relieving you from huge debts—even when there’s no will power to be self- disciplined, he can provide the needed strength. On replacing materialism by God in your life, God whose grace abound, will graciously, faithfully, and generously set you free from all bondage, including that of debts. There’s absolutely nothing he cannot do for you. All that he expects from you is for you to surrender your life to Him, and He’ll take care of the rest. He’s anxiously waiting for you to open your heart, and your life for him to take control. Nothing but God can rescue you from bondage—debts, bitterness, guilt, or whatever that has been rendering you miserable. When this is done individually, on reaching the critical mass, the effects of the change would be felt in the whole society. Conversely, whatever takes God’s place in your life, or the society, sooner or later, its effects will definitely be exposed, and they are always disastrous, like our current experienced economic dilemma. How can you escape misery by replacing the worship of materialism by God in your life? The answer is simpler than you could imagine—you don’t need to spend any amount of money, neither do you have to do anything extraordinary.  The starting point is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and acknowledge that He came and die on the cross for your sins, so that you might be set free from all guilt and bondage. This could be done if you converse the just-written facts, and surrendering yourself, your sins or wrong doings, bad habits, desires, weaknesses, and your strengths to God. How exactly this could be done, you may wonder. Wherever you are, just look for a quiet place where you wouldn’t be disturbed, close your eyes to avoid distractions, and open your heart, pains, and vulnerability to God, talk to Him as you would to your earthly father. Converse with Him, as He’s besides you, for He’s actually with you; ask Him for forgiveness for all your wrong doings, because we all have disobeyed Him in one way or the other, and surrender everything about you to Him, and then conclude all these in the name of Jesus. If this is done sincerely and soberly with humility, you’ll sense a great relief—all your heavy-heartedness and, guilt, and misery will automatically disappear, and you’ll surely feel like a liberated slave. Why do you not need to pay any amount, or make any sacrifice? It’s because Jesus paid all the price, and make all the sacrifices on your behalf when he died on the cross; He was condemned so that you will be liberated from all your sins, and bondage; He was rejected so that you will be accepted; He was insulted so that you will be respected, and he was killed, so that you will have eternal life. God loves you infinitely and unconditionally, and He’s anxiously awaiting your decision. All that He expects from you is your invitation. He’ll not force you to do anything, because He respects you, and your decisions. He only point out the effects of making any decision or taking any action. The choice is yours. If you’re very happy with your present circumstance or condition, I advise you to continue with it; else, I strongly advocate that you heed to the content of this piece, and you’ll definitely see the difference.However, should you have any doubt, and need more explanation, I advise you to talk to God as previously indicated, asking Him to lead you to the right church where you could be given all the necessary explanation, assistance, and guidance. Pastors or leaders of your local church will surely be delighted to receive you, even without any appointment, and to give you the necessary advise, explanation, or assistance. On taking the contents of this article seriously, and applying it as advocated, you will certainly realise the following:
-        You will feel released from all anxiety, and guilt
-        You will have sense of purpose for your life
-        Your urge for materialism, which often prompted you to indebtedness, will disappear completely.
-        While some of your bad habits will disappear immediately, others will do so gradually, as the presence of the Holy Spirit will gradually be dominating your life, and erasing them off.
These are possible because on accepting Christ as your Lord, and Saviour, and inviting Him to take control of all aspects of your life, He’ll give you the Holy Spirit, who will protect, guide, comfort, and lead you through all your daily activities.  Today, now is the time for you to take a decision. Don’t wait for tomorrow, because it may never come. The sooner you take a decision, the quicker your situation will change for the better—you will surely discover the other side of life that you never experienced. If you wish to take an action now, would you please repeat this statement after me? Oh God my heavenly Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and all therein, I thank you for giving me this  opportunity to realise that you love me so much that you sent your only Son Jesus Christ to come and  die on the  cross for my sins, and that  in spite of my innumerable sins, you still love and care for me. Father I pray and ask you in the name of Jesus that you forgive all my sins, for I committed them out of ignorance. Almighty God, I invite Jesus into my life, and I accept Him as my Lord and only Saviour. I ask you from now on, to take control of all aspects of my life, and may your name be praised through my life. From now on, I welcome Holy Spirit to administer to me; leading, guiding, and comforting me in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

Offering this prayer with sincerity and humility, and really believing in its contents, you will definitely start to feel differently. The joy, which only flourishes with the presence of God, will be ushered into your mind, heart, and thoughts. You will become a different person, and even your family, neighbours, friends, and associates will notice it, and they would even ask you the reason for the sudden changes in you.
May Almighty Father whose love, faithfulness, mercy, and grace is boundless bless you; may He answer all your prayers according to His love and kindness, and above all, may His will for you be done, in Jesus’ name. Amen! God bless you!